肿瘤免疫学 & 免疫疗法


The UCLA Health 约翰逊综合癌症中心 肿瘤免疫学 & 免疫疗法 (TII) research program provides a research environment focused on enhancing the understanding of tumor immunology and developing new immunotherapies for cancer. This is based on understanding fundamental biological processes and applying these insights to the development of new immune-modulating agents and genetically engineered adoptive-cell-transfer therapies. TII program investigators also actively pursue clinical translation of novel treatment strategies and in-depth analyses of patient-derived samples to further understand the mechanistic basis of response and resistance to therapies. This comprehensive process facilitates interdisciplinary collaborations and supports a systematic approach to the development of next-generation cancer immunotherapies.

The TII research program brings together basic and translational scientists into an environment that has spawned novel investigator-initiated immunotherapy clinical trials and the approval of immune checkpoint inhibitor therapies for a broad range of tumor types. The research program's basic science has a strong focus on the genetic engineering of immune-cell responses to cancer and understanding the interplay between the immune system and cancer, including the biology of immune responses to cancer and the relationship between inflammation and cancer. The research program further focuses on several research areas including the use of antibody fusion proteins for cancer therapy and their combination with targeted therapies to sensitize cancer cells to immunotherapy, and improving the lives of patients with AIDS-related cancers.



  1. Provide an optimal interactive environment between basic scientists, translational investigators and clinicians to enhance the understanding of tumor immunology
  2. Develop novel immune-based clinical therapies for patients with cancer


导演 Dr. 安东尼里巴斯 是医学教授吗, 外科教授, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校分子和医学药理学教授. Ribas is a physician-scientist who conducts laboratory and clinical research in malignant melanoma, 专注于基因工程T细胞, PD-1阻断和BRAF靶向治疗. 他的国家癌症研究所(NCI), State of California and foundation-supported research laboratory develops models of disease to test new therapeutic options, studies mechanism of action of treatments in patients and the molecular mechanisms of therapy resistance. He is an elected member of the American Society of Clinical Investigation, the Association of American Physicians and the US National Academy of Medicine , is the recipient of the AACR Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Award, 威廉B号. Coley Award from Cancer Research Institute (CRI), the AACR-CRI Lloyd J. Old Award in Cancer Immunology, and an NCI Outstanding Investigator Award. As director of the Parker Institute for Cancer 免疫疗法 Center at UCLA, he coordinates the research of five funded laboratories aimed at advancing new immunotherapies for cancer.

副主任 伊冯·陈 is an associate professor of microbiology, immunology and molecular genetics. Her laboratory focuses on applying synthetic biology and biomolecular engineering techniques to the development of novel mammalian cell systems, 尤其是针对癌症的t细胞疗法. Chen served as the sponsor of the first investigator-initiated chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell therapy trial at UCLA. Chen was a junior fellow in the Harvard Society of Fellows prior to joining UCLA in 2013, and has been a recipient of the NIH 导演's Early Independence Award, 赫尔曼奖学金, the Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy Young Investigator Award in Cell and Gene Therapy for Cancer, NSF职业奖, 马克基金会新兴领袖奖, 和癌症研究所的Lloyd J. 老明星奖. Chen is a member of the Parker Institute for Cancer 免疫疗法 Center at UCLA and collaborates with cancer center members both within and outside the TII research program on clinical translation of CAR-T cell therapy as well as basic research aimed at engineering more robust cell-based immunotherapies.


Below is a list of upcoming events of interest to the 肿瘤免疫学 & 免疫治疗研究计划及其成员. 此日历自动更新.

For a list of all upcoming 癌症中心 events, please visit our 事件日历.